Couples therapy is a form of psychotherapy that can help partners improve their relationship. Couples therapy is helpful at any stage of a relationship and can help to increase understanding, respect and affection.


Benefits of Couples Therapy

Couples therapy is beneficial to all types of people, it can help partners who are facing difficult life situations, or would like to develop healthier, more functional relationship habits including:

  • Improve communication skills

  • Build understanding and empathy in your relationship

  • Help you resolve conflicts

  • Help you work through life’s challenges

  • Provides you with a sounding board

LMH Treatment Plans

At Latitude Mental Health, Couples therapy is provided by one of our board-certified Psychiatrists or licensed mental health therapists. Our providers employ an integrated approach to treatment in order to help partners identify relationship issues, improve communication skills, resolve conflicts, learn skills to help prevent and manage conflicts and more.

For an expert evaluation, call or book an appointment online with Latitude Mental Health today.