If you struggle with keeping focused, are easily distracted, or impulsive you may have adult attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Diagnosis and treatment of these conditions require compassion, trust, and expert management. For a consultation with a therapist or psychiatrist and treatment for your ADHD, call or book an appointment online today.


What is ADHD?

ADHD is a condition characterized by impulsiveness, inattentiveness, hyperactivity, and being easily distracted. Because ADHD can mimic a number of other conditions, it is often misdiagnosed or goes untreated. ​

ADHD was once considered a childhood disease. Now, we know about 50% of children grow out of ADH while many adults continue to suffer from this disorder. In most cases, adults with a diagnosis of ADHD have had symptoms since before the age of 12. ​

For adults with ADHD, managing normal, everyday tasks associated with home and work may be challenging. They may struggle with organization, decision-making, effective planning, and developing deep relationship

ADHD Symptoms

Symptoms of ADHD fall into two basic categories: inattention and hyperactivity While ADHD presents differently from person to person, some symptoms are below:

 Symptoms of inattention may include:

  • Difficulty staying focused or keeping attention

  • Easily distracted from tasks

  • Unable to grasp details or follow instructions well

  • Frequently making careless mistakes

  • Difficulty finishing tasks or projects

  • Frequently losing things 

Symptoms of hyperactivity may include:

  • may cause conflicts or difficulty in initiating or keeping strong relationships

  • Constantly move or fidget

  • Frequently act or feel restless

  • Excessively talk or talk at inappropriate times

  • Frequently interrupt others

  • Often struggle with standing in lines or waiting patiently

  • Act intrusively towards others

LMH ADHD Treatment

At Latitude, Dr. Hoes will help treats ADHD primarily through medications and  psychotherapy. Medications can help to level out impulsive behavior by balancing brain chemicals in your brain that contribute to your symptoms. Psychotherapy, specifically cognitive behavioral therapy, helps many get a handle on impulsive behaviors, develop better life and organizational skills, and create strategies for managing relationships. 

With support from Dr. Hoes (who offers & therapy & psychiatry services) and an effective treatment plan, anyone can gain control over impulsive, hyperactive behaviors to better manage life. 

For a consultation and expert treatment plan for your ADHD, call or book an appointment with Latitude Mental Health today.